Get to know us

Our Mission

WeInk aims to transform publishing, empowering passionate writers to earn a decent living from their art while keeping books free and accessible to all. We provide a secure platform where authors can share their work, knowing we prioritize their interests.

Recognizing the challenges of writing, we support authors on their journey to success. We believe in equal access to great books for everyone, transcending social backgrounds. WeInk is the free stepping stone for authors and readers to pursue their dreams, fostering a community where authors can transition to full-time writing if they choose.

Anaïs Garnier

Author & Founder

Ghena Nitelea

Developer and Co-Founder

Nicolas Fonsat

Developer and Co-Founder

Our Vision

We want WeInk to have multiple positive impacts on culture, by encouraging and allowing passionate writers to dedicate their time and energy towards the creation of literary art because they know that it is a viable career plan. We want passionate writers to think of us as soon as they think of publishing their books because they know we will support them and that we have their best interests at heart. All while making this culture accessible to all through their free nature.

Other information

WeInk is a French SAS company registered in the French Chamber of Commerce with a unique SIRET 95193305000019.

The company is located at 60 rue François 1er, 75008, Paris.

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